Our Impact

In everything we do

Our personal approach and entrepreneurial spirit is shaping a sustainable future.

A Message from Our President

At Part Time CFO, we’ve built a culture that is committed to providing staff with continual opportunities for ​professional and personal growth. Our team members have a great deal of flexibility and autonomy, knowing that it comes with a high level of responsibility and accountability to our clients and one another.

– Darryl Goodall, President


Our Priorities

Investing in people and communities

We’re committed to improving the lives of many people through sponsorships, donations, and opportunities.

The importance of funds for community programs and projects is at an all-time high. We have always placed great value in supporting causes that enrich the lives of our employees and their families. Along with investing in our communities, we believe strongly in investing in our team members, taking steps to help them through their career journey and towards success.

Key Activities

  • Investing in communities through donations and sponsorships
  • Encouraging continuous learning by providing financial support for education and training
  • Providing internship opportunities to those just beginning their journey towards a career in finance
  • Offering employee investment to benefit from company growth

Since inception, our sponsorships and donations have been greater than 3% of our sales. In 2021 alone, donations exceeded $100,000

Employee Community Giving Program

Our Employee Community Giving Program has been a huge success with staff and greatly appreciated by community: This initiative allows employees to specifically select an organization in need. We recognize the need that these groups fill in our communities, and believe our contributions help make a difference.

Charity Events and Capital Campaigns

We have been an ongoing sponsor for a variety of charity events and involved in fundraising opportunities that help raise dollars for and awareness of social programs and community projects.

CPA Program Support

We provide financial support to team members enrolled in the CPA program and in pursuit of their designation. Ongoing learning is a priority, and we want our employees to succeed. Paid time-off to prepare and write the course exams is included. Our CPA Student Committee is a support group where current students and recent graduates share knowledge through workshops and social events.


Every four months we provide the opportunity for one or more students to get hands-on accounting and finance experience through our internship/co-op placements. Many of these students continue working part time throughout the school semester, return for another full-time internship placement and stay-on after graduation for full-time employment.

Employee Share Purchase Program

Through this program, team members have a chance to participate in the equity of the business. By sharing the wealth through dividends and growth opportunity, we encourage a higher level of engagement.